Back to School in Eco-Friendly Style!

Back to School in Eco-Friendly Style!

It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to an end. Pools are closing for the season and kids are heading back for a new school year. For parents, it’s back to the hectic mornings of rushing around, packing lunch, getting the kids to school, and after-school activities.

Even though it seems difficult to start switching up all of your old school time habits, It’s not hard to be a little more eco-friendly. Don’t let being busy overwhelm you. Here are a few things you can do now to help reduce your footprint while keeping up with earlier bedtimes, homework, and all of the fun things that come with a new school year.

For lunch, switch to reusable containers.

Ditch the car for transportation.

Don’t rush into buying all of those school supplies on sale.

Shopping for school clothes can be a cost-saving and eco-friendly adventure, too.

While you are making those changes for the school year, start to think about simple changes you can make around the house to eliminate waste and be more environmentally friendly. These can be simple things such as ditch the plastic straws, recycle, switch to cloth napkins, use eco-friendly toilet paper (cough, cough, try Leafy), etc

Let’s help Make Nature Normal by making eco-friendly changes for school and your everyday life.

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